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Temple Offeings

Temple offerings

Welcome home to the Temple of the Crystalline heart...


Each Temple Ceremony Offering is designed uniquely to synthesise with the current energies, either aligning with the Moon or Major Astrological Events or Energy Portals & Gateways which supports our journey as we dive deeper into illuminating our souls path for Transformation and Rebirth.  These energy portals bring a flood of light onto the Planet, allowing us to anchor these Higher Frequencies into the crystalline grids of Gaia for Humanity's Evolution.  Within every ceremony we awaken to more of our Hearts Truth in Unity Consciousness, connecting and gathering with Soul Family anchoring Heaven on Earth.  Woven into our Ceremony can be an array of different offerings from Sound Healing, Channeled Light Activation, Cacao Ceremony, Priestess Temple Dance, Blue Lotus Tea, Water Priestess Ceremony, Ecstatic Dance.


next Temple offering






Cacao Ceremony, Dance Embodiment Journey, Channeled Light Activation 

A returning of Priestesses into the Temple to co-create Heaven on Earth.


ECLIPSE PORTAL - Midway Point 

Sunday 22nd October 2023


5:30pm ~ 9:30pm

$88pp (inc BF)




ð“‹¹ Ceremonial Cacao infused with Rose 

ð“‹¹ Breath + Embodiment Practices 

ð“‹¹ Embodied Dance Flow

ð“‹¹ Channeled Meditation & Sound

ð“‹¹ Light Language Key Code Activations 

ð“‹¹ Oracle Guidance + Journaling 

ð“‹¹ Sacred Women’s Sharing Circle



A unique Shamanic Star Sound Journey weaving the Crystalline Frequencies of Sound using pure Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, Crystal Chalices, Crystal Pyramids, Tibetan Bowls, Gong and other Shamanic instruments along with Light Language - the language of high vibrational Source Light, channeled in vocal sound harmonics and toning to activate dormant DNA and bring about deep relaxation, healing, profound insights and awaken the Light Body.


These Sound Healings allow you to journey into the depth of your soul and cosmic realms, transporting you into a deep states of meditative bliss. With 8 Chakra Tuned Pure Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls attuned to ‘Perfect Pitch’ 432hz frequency creating a sound vibration that resonates with the natural harmonic state of the human body and the Earth, bringing harmony and balance, allowing the body to come back into homeostasis for natural healing to occur. 




sound healing is the medicine of the future
~ edgar cayce ~

Sound Frequency is the medicine of the future, as these crystalline frequencies penetrate deep into our cellular DNA to purify, restore and restructure the cells to their original divine blueprint, clearing and releasing trauma and blockages. Dormant DNA is also activated allowing us to come back ‘online’ illuminating our light bodies and awakens the Soul Star Chakra linking one with their souls unique divine blueprint, bringing clarity and inspiration to their life purpose. eceive the sacred medicine that aligns you with the embodiment of your highest self and the unconditional loving support available to you from all realms. 

Channeled Light Activation

channeled light activation

As a Divine Conduit between Heaven and Earth our Meditation will be channeled specifically to support the group and the current energies we will be working with during our Ceremony.  Guided by my Family of Light, Star Beings and Original Earth Keepers, I will bring through High Frequency Light, Key Code Activations and Light Language to activate cellular remembrances and promote deep healing and transformation.  We will also anchor these frequencies into the Crystalline Grids for Planetary Activations and ripple the current of light across the Song Lines.  It is powerful work we are being called to gather for!!!  I thank you all for being here for it as it is time we unite to amplify the field of light together in greater ways.


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*** LIGHT LANGUAGE is a direct transmission from spirit and the benevolent beings of light that hold the highest frequencies of Love and Light.  The Sounds, Tones and Hand Mudras bypass the logical mind and speak directly to your soul activating a profound remembrance.  It can often be felt as a full body tingling experience and can bring one to tears and even laughter as the heart opens to receive the infinite blessings from the Divine.  It brings such a sense of Peace, Heart Expansion and Joy and can unlock many keys within you.  The beings I work with mainly are the Star Mothers, Pleiadians, Celestial Mermaids, Syrians, Lyrans, Acturians, Hathors, Isis, Ascended Masters, Seraphim Angels, Whales, Dolphins, Original Earth Keepers and Ancestors 

Cacao Ceremony


In our modern culture the art of ceremony and ritual has been lost thus leaving many feeling disconnected to our heart and truth creating a society that continually looks outside for the answers to bring pleasure and joy. 


As we REMEMBER the teachings of our ancient ones... our ancestors that lived in harmony and communion with our Earth Mother and the Heavens accessing ancient wisdom through the portal of the heart, we can activate this deep knowing within that awakens the unified field of our hearts again.


 Our journey together will begin with a Welcoming Ceremony and meditation setting the sacred container to receive the Spirit of Cacao.   With “Ceremonial Grade Cacao” from the Amazon, blessed by a Sharman, and prepared with loving intention, we will enjoy this sacred high vibrational plant medicine as a warm chocolate elixir, then, we let the magic begin as we fly together....


"Journey home to the

Sacred Heart"

The Spirit of Cacao is extremely heart opening, inspires creativity and reveals our unique inner truth, connecting with the divine as a bridge between heaven and earth.  On a physical level it releases all those ‘feel good’ endorphins and has many health benefits with high levels of magnesium, calcium and is full of powerful antioxidants. 


May we honour and cultivate these sacred practices from the wise beings passed to support humanity in this great shift in consciousness as we return to the sacred heart in LOVE, unity, peace and ecstatic bliss.

Lotus Temple Ceremoy

lotus temple ceremony


During our Lotus Temple Ceremonies we will journey will flow weaving the Alchemy of Blue Lotus Tea followed by a Channelled Sound and Light Activation. The Blue Lotus Flower is an ancient plant medicine that was highly revered in the times of Ancient Egypt, Golden Atlantis and Lemuria.  The Flower is Symbolic for Rebirth and Enlightenment.  Blue Lotus is also an Aphrodisiac, invoking Love and Sensuality… the Highest Expression of the Divine Feminine in its Purity.  This is the essence that allows us to access the Original Codes of Creation and the energy of the Divine Mother.  The Lotus rises from the depths of the murky waters and similarly, we too are Rebirthing and Resurrecting into Higher Expressions of our BE-ing. 

Priestess Temple Danc

Priestess temple dance

I invite you into the Lemurian Rose Temple to REMEMBER our ancient ways of gathering in Sacred Sisterhood as we weave and co-create, anchoring New Earth the Divine Feminine Beauty Way… the way of creating life as an art form, through ritual and ceremony awakening Heaven on Earth within us.




Do you Remember the times when we Danced as Priestess in Ritual and Ceremony in the Temples and on the Crystalline Shores of LeMUria? Dance is an art form we worked with during Ancient Civilisations to weave, anchor, integrate and embody Light. We danced to awaken the kundalini serpent life force that lies at the base of our spine. We danced to celebrate and cultivate joy and to move energy throughout our bodies opening as the light vehicle that we are. The Sacred Feminine within each of us desires to be EXPRESSED in many forms, just like the elements… such as water, with fluidity, ease and flow. Gentle yet powerful, intuitive and sensual. Our bodies beckon to be hydrated from the waterfall of wisdom we hold within as we access this deep well of knowledge stored within every cell of our being. To allow us to access the embodiment of Sacred Union within we will take a journey through embodied free form movement and the Breath to awaken the life force within as we allow the music to move us.  


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The power of women gathering activates a remembrance in one another, empowering us to rise together and creates a ripple effect sending a wave of pure heart love frequency across the grid lines of the Earth and Whale song lines of the oceans.



The energy of creation is stored within the dark void of the womb and when we hold each other in a safe container to unveil our Shakti life force energy we activate our internal magnetic power and birth a New Earth for humanity.


The Divine Mother is the energy of creation and for 1000s of years this energy has been suppressed in women leaving us feeling disconnected from our bodies, our vital life force energy and our Great Mother Gaia.  The embodiment of the Divine Feminine is awakened through movement, flow and grace allowing the sacred waters within to be unlocked which reconnects us with the rhythms and cycles of the Earth, Moon and Stars. 




The Sacred Medicine of the Rose illuminates our path, activating a remembrance of the Sacred Temple arts of Venus and LeMUria where we communed in daily ritual and ceremony, opening as a sacred vessel for the source of all life to flow through us.


As we awaken to the Sisterhood of the Rose, the Sophia Christ Codes within, we open the sacred portal of our heart and womb to experience the ecstatic bliss of pure love, joy and pleasure and remember the lusciousness of embodying human form, enjoying the sweet nectar of life… siSTAR do you know just how exquisite and majestic you are?  It is time for you to REMEMBER.


Self Mastery occurs when we align with our truth and harmonise the sacred union between our inner King and Queen, allowing the inner king within us to hold space and stability for the inner Queen to rise in her Sovereign Divinity.


So dear siSTAR, I welcome you back into the Temple again to dance, connect, breathe, meditate, nurture, receive, pray and sing (if you feel called to) to awaken your luminous light body and anchor the Codes of the Rose and LeMUria into the crystalline grids of Gaia, allowing the paradise frequency to rise again on the planet.


This is the sacred work we are called to do as women, as powerful creators, to come together and awaken these codes for humanity and our children on Earth, this work cannot be done alone 


We will weave the lineages of light from Venus, LeMUria, Atlantis and Ancient Egypt and many other lineages of light into our sacred space as we co-create and REMEMBER together.


There has been no greater time in history to gather, as when we gather we raise our frequency and the consciousness of the collective.


*** You will be held in a safe and sacred space with no judgement to allow yourself to be free to express.


ecstatic dance

Ecstatic Dance
ecstatic dance events are occasionally offered with my cacao ceremonies during high FREQUENCY portals....  

Allow your body to be moved by a sonic alchemical fusion of world music and Tribal Beats on this inner free form movement journey as we shake away the density in our physical beings, allowing us to embody and awaken our inner fire of passion and purpose.  This is an opportunity to drop out of our heads and into our hearts and ‘Dance like no one is watching’ connecting with the wild ecstasy of your inner truth as we clear out blockages making us feel ‘stuck’ in life.  When we awaken every cell in our body through dance we become a clear open vessel for the divine and illuminate the very radiance that is YOU!  In ancient times Dance was ceremony, Dance was a celebration, Dance was how we would connect with the Divine.  We honour these ancient traditions bringing back the sacredness of Dance as ceremony once again. There is absolutely no Dance experience required for this practice, this is not about performance, this is to FEEL… to listen to the whispers of our body and experience the freedom and elevated joy of Ecstatic Dance. 

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Water Priestess Ceremonies

water priestess ceremonies




Water holds the keys to our Remembrance...


When we inner stand that every molecule of water that is on our planet has been here since the dawn of time... just imagine the memories it holds.


I can see over the coming years and decades our connection to water as the Source of Consciousness and life on our planet will become greatly significant to the awakening of humanity with its innate intelligence.


And think of our Oceans and Waterways that Unite our planet... I often feel the Ocean is the infinite Sea of Oneness and I notice how I receive the most channeled guidance when meditating near water, the expansion is limitless near these sacred bodies of water.







 As we heal the Sacred Waters within, returning to our crystalline connection with source, we reflect this healing as we connect with the Sacred Waters that surround us. 


Many are being called to Work with our Sacred waters during these times of rapids shifts on the planet.  It is one of my greatest callings to gather beautiful souls for this work to restore the original crystalline codex of our water. 


Some Ceremonies we gather together by the Sea or a Body of Water, and Some Ceremonies are in the Temple for this work where each individual brings a jar of pure spring water to recode the crystalline structure of the water, which can then be taken home to be offered back to our sacred waterways to assist in restoring the original coding and divine blueprint of this life giving element. Water has the capacity to hold programming in the smallest of molecules, so this work we will be doing together is a massive part of recoding our planet and is never to be underestimated in its importance.... AND the power each individual holds to create great change is amplified when we co-create in the unified field together and ripple these high frequencies of light across the waterways.


(Just look up the work of Dr Emoto and his water experiments to show evidence of how we hold the capacity to reprogram water.) 

water priestess
Collaborative Events / Retreats



Sound Healing is a beautiful complimentary offering with Breathwork or Yoga Events or Retreats.  I have been running collaborations for years with beautiful souls within our community here in the Northern Rivers and it brings me such joy to offer the Medicine of Sound to support the Deeper Transformational process and Crystalline Heart activations.  


See details of Sound Healing for more information and contact me via:

for availability and pricing.

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sacred women's retreats....

Women's Retreat

Collaborative Events bringing our conscious community to gather in the unified field of the heart to awaken and activate your infinite potential.


Stay connected for the announcement of my next Retreat Offering



Stay connected for my next Festival Offering announcement... 

This one is exciting!!!


If you wish to book me to share one of my offerings at your next Festival I would love to connect.


My contact email is:

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